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These pages are intended for creative people who are looking for an inspiration.
Based on different researches the project will reveal cotton in 3 sections.
The first section “Selection of objects” will show you a selection of familiar objects made out of cotton. The images are derived from the thesis of “what can we produce from 227kg of cotton”.
Yet they are not just ordinary objects, but design objects which are revealing even a creative side of the cotton's benefits.
The second section “Cotton and the Arts” will depict a bit more of how we are using the cotton in the field of art. Again another selection of images will appear, but in this case the images will represent different techniques and design solutions rather than just objects.
The third section “Experimental process” will literally share with you the experiments from one young creator. These experiments will indicate how the designer is experimenting with cotton under different methods. This includes physical try outs, as well as digital collages and images inspired from cotton’s textures.
The main goal of this concept is to give you one extraordinary sight of the material and to inspire the future readers to create no matter in what kind of situation they are or with what medium they are working with. There is always a way to escape the limits and to approach creatively.